Psychological-professional assessment
… when you need to objectively look at the psychological traits of a person influencing their performance and motivation and at the same time to minimize the faults arisen within the selection process.

If you need to find the convenient candidates for the varied vacancies, we are able to go deeper and to discern candidates´ potential as well as their reserves in a wide-scope rate.

We put maximum emphasis on the ethical aspect dealing with the psychological tests and on the confidentiality of the provided information.

The professional capability and the long-term experience of our team guarantee the objective and professional outputs.

What are the principal benefits for the company and HR management?
- Our test sets are carefully composed of the robustly valid and reliable psycho-diagnostic methods that have a high prediction potential. Some variations of our methods are available online.
- They can draw the attention to the risks in the personality characteristics that may be covered by very well learned behaviour.
- They allow to map out a candidate’s potential, diagnose their professional orientation, anticipate a candidate´s potential success in the specified position, estimate their reactions in various situations, project their aptitude to identify themselves with the company culture and the like.
- They are capable to refer to the stress resistance and to warn about a candidate´s reactions being under a considerate burden.
- They make work easier even with the current personnel when they provide an unbiassed overview of an employee in such a way so that their not always fully recognizable potential could be utilized.
For what can we aim at?
Personality traits
extraversion, introversion
emotional maturity, stress resistance
ability to assert oneself
openness to new things, inquisitiveness
relationships to other people
purposefulness, conscientiousness, responsibility
Work related preferences
and structure of motivation
approach to problem solving
creativity, resourcefulness
work effectiveness
team roles
level of intrinsic achievement motivation
pro-motivation and de-motivation factors
Projective methods aimed at
emotional maturity
individual attitudes
value orientation
personality risks
aggressiveness inclination, reactions to frustration
Performance and attention tests
verbal, technical and abstract abilities
analytical, logical and conceptual thinking
managerial achievement tests
speed and accuracy of performance
correct judgement aptitude

Watch the video, where the director of the company Naďa Štullerová explains the principles of the professional-psychological assessment and do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
ACE Consulting s.r.o.
Konviktská 24, 110 00 Praha 1
phone: +420 222 005 105, +420 222 005 113