Executive search
… when you need to find the best candidates on the market.
This selection method is used when searching for the top management positions and highly specialized experts.
We are able to and approach the experienced and relevant candidates straightforwardly.
Our skill is to find and motivate even those candidates in the labour market who are not open to new opportunities yet. We nourish long-term relationships with our key candidates – managers.

The quality of our services is guaranteed on an individual basis depending on the type of the position for a period of 6 to 12 months.

All information you provide us will be treated as strictly confidential. We regard highly the confidential regime.

The best predictor of the individuals future behaviour is their past behaviour – we know how to find out the relevant information for your decision-making process.
How do we proceed?
1) The preparatory stage
- We familiarize ourselves with the concrete demands of the post itself, we specify the topical needs, the corporate culture and the company´s values.
- We analyse the labour market, execute the screening of all the available resources and consult the situation on the market with our business partner.
2) Candidates selection
- The suitable candidates proceed to expert-led semi-structured interviews the aim of which is to reveal the level of their required competencies.
- We carry out the informal interviews even with those ones who for the time being only judge their job change and we try to motivate them to think about a new challenge.
- Depending on the client’s requirements, we can also add some work simulation exercises, projective methods, behavioural interviews or the psychodiagnostics tests.
3) Presentation of candidates
- We provide the whole administrative service associated with the arrangement of a personal appointment. You just tell us the time and venue suitable for you (in case of the confidential procedure our own neutral premises are available).
- We present the most suitable candidates to the client by the consultant responsible for the selection, thus ensuring effective communication among all parties of the selection process.

What are the main benefits for the managers of the company and its HR management?
- You can address a qualified team of consultants and psychologists, using the cutting-edge methods in selecting employees and determined to share information about the current situation on the Czech and Slovak markets.
- We will offer you a specific proposal and search procedure (headhunting) which is approved by you.
- We are prepared to discuss a long list of suitable candidates with you. Additionally we provide a short list of addressed candidates and their motivation for their expected change.
- Suitable candidates are invited for the interviews; they obtained a range of information we have decided upon (description of your company, your company culture, the position in question etc.) and they are motivated for the position as well. We keep an eye on their next steps.
- You will have the confidentiality guaranteed.
- We use a sophisticated database system allowing an accurate and immediate selection of the suitable candidates from both global and the Czech companies.

Our consultant Eva Matyášová will be happy to solve the executive search with you. Do not hesitate to contact us.
ACE Consulting s.r.o.
Konviktská 24, 110 00 Praha 1
phone: +420 222 005 105, +420 222 005 113
e-mail: info@ace-consulting.cz